What’s New in Buxus v 2.15

We’ve made exciting updates to enhance your experience and empower responders with new tools!


Full-Screen Map & Enhanced Tools

Your Home screen map now takes up the entire screen for better visibility, with convenient new tools on the right side, including:

  • Zoom In/Out: Navigate the map with ease.
  • Address Search: Find locations faster.
  • My Location: Instantly pinpoint your position.
  • Operator Search: Quickly access operator information.

Enhanced Map Functionality

The new map includes enhanced interactive map functionality. Once zoomed in, users can tap directly on a visible pipeline line to access key details, such as the operator name, product type, line type, and emergency contact information. When zoomed in, make sure the shaded box is over the pipeline you would like information on. Please note that if you select a pipeline outside your registered jurisdiction it will not display information.


Streamlined Navigation

With the new design, you will also know immediately whether new information is available or has changed since you last opened the app. Simply look for a number in the Download (Cloud) icon. The number indicates the number of changes pending and that you need to download the information to be up to date.


Operators Tab

Easily access information about the Operators within your responding jurisdictions, helping you stay prepared and connected.
